Wednesday, November 28, 2012

We'll Be Right Back!

So the end of the semester is upon us and, as with any good design school, there is A LOT of work to be done.  I will be taking a short break (2-3 days) from sketching so I can finish up all the work that needs to get done. I know I didn't have a chance to upload a sketch yesterday either, but i will try to do something special when I start up again to make up for lost time.  But the end is in sight and I will be back to sketching with renewed vigor! 

 Thats all for now!


Monday, November 26, 2012

D25 - Bike Light 2

Another traditional piece and another iteration of the bike light.  Again, i want to apologize for the poor quality pictures.  I didn't have a scanner handy.

Pen, marker, and paper

D24MU - Bike Light

Another traditional piece, this time a bike light, it can either go on your handle bars or on your helmet.
Pen, Maker, and Paper

D23MU - Sonic Fruit Scanner

Yep, it's as crazy as it sounds.  A device that analyzes fruit and produce through the use of sound.  It uses the same technology as an ultra sound...but for produce.

Also, this was the first of a few pieces that I did in a traditional medium.

I want to apologize for the crappy photos, I didn't have a scanner available at the time.

Pen and Paper

Friday, November 23, 2012

D22 - Concept Groud Speeder

Since I'm on break, I have a bit more time to do some sketching, so I worked on this on and off most of the day.  It went through a few revisions before i settled the on the final look.
I want to be able to get this quality of work but cut my time down to around 30-45 minutes.

Just gotta keep sketching! 

Time: 2 Hours
Wacom Intous 4 Med
Sketchbook Pro 6

Thursday, November 22, 2012

D21 - Quick Car Sketch

Another quick car sketch, I used very few tools with this one, i was trying to keep it as loose as I can.

30 Min
Wacom Intous 4 Med
Sketchbook Pro 6

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

D20 - Its...Something.

The title pretty much sums it up... it's something, not quite sure what, but its something.  It started out as a pair of headphone, but turned into...well...something.

 I also want to apologize for the lack of sketches the past 2 days.  I was very busy finishing up work for classes before the thanksgiving break started.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

D19 - Another Produce Scanner

Yep, another one, these are really just class work that needs to get done, but they are sketches! 


30 Min
Sketchbook Pro 6
Wacom Intous 4

Saturday, November 17, 2012

D18 - Radio

Personally I am not too happy with how this one turned out.  I have been trying to use less tools and do more free hand sketching to make things more organic. 

Just part of the learning curve.

30 Min
Intous 4 Med
Sketchbook Pro 6

D17MU - Parking Kiosk

Yesterday was one of the longest day I have had in awhile, I didn't have time to do a proper sketch, so here is one from my back log.

Wacom Intuos 4 Med
Sketchbook Pro 6

Thursday, November 15, 2012

D16 - Produce Scanning Watch

Another take on the produce scanner, this time in wrist watch form.

30 Min
Sketchbook Pro 6
Wacom Intous 4 Med.

D15MU - Produce Scanner

Hand held device to scan produce for freshness.

45 Min
Sketchbook Pro 6
Wacom Intous 4 Med.

D14MU - Produce Stand V2

Another version of the produce stand.

30 Min
Sketchbook Pro 6
Wacom Intous 4 Med.

Monday, November 12, 2012

D13 - Produce Stand

Finally caught up!  Even if I only have 15 minutes to draw something, something will be drawn!

Anyway, here is some class work, we are looking at opportunities involving food, in this sketch, we have a produce stand that helps sort produce by freshness.

2 Hours
Sketchbook Pro 6
Wacom Intous 4 Med.

D12MU - Guitar Amp

This is one I did yesterday, but I forgot to post it!  Still kicking myself for failing to keep this updated regularly.

Anyway, have an Amp.

1.5 Hours
Sketchbook Pro 6
Wacom Intous 4 Med.

D11MU - The Internet

Not sure where this came out of, but i just started sketching and this formed.

Presenting...The Internet!

Sketchbook Pro 6
Wacom Intous 4 Med.

D10MU - 12 Min Quick Sketch

Another quick doodle.

Trying to get faster while using tools.

Sketchbook Pro 6
Wacom Intous 4 Med.

D09MU - 15 Min Sketch

Another quick 15 min doodle.

Trying to get faster while using tools

Sketchbook Pro 6
Wacom Intous 4 Med.

D08MU (Make Up) - 15 Min Quick Sketch

Here's the first in my back logged sketches for the blog.

A quick 15 min doodle.

Sketchbook Pro 6
Wacom Intous 4 Med.

Monday, November 5, 2012

D07 - Sketch Dump

I didn't really have anything planned to draw, so I drew whatever came to mind tonight.


Time: 1 1/2 Hours
Tools: Sketch Book Pro 6 - Wacom Intous 4 Med

Sunday, November 4, 2012

D06 - Computer Mouse (Sketch & Rendering)

I had some extra time to work on this today and I like the way the original sketch came out, so I took it a step farther.

Striker - Gaming Mouse

Time: 2 1/2 Hours
Tools: Sketchbook Pro 6 - Wacom Intous 4 Med

Saturday, November 3, 2012

D05 - 5 Simple Shapes

I first want to apologize for the lack of a sketch yesterday.  It was a very long day and I ended up falling asleep early didn't have a chance to draw something, but I will be sure to make up for it by doing and extra drawing or something in the next few days.

Today I did some simple perspective exercises with 5 simple shapes: cube, sphere, pyramid, cone and cylinder.

Time: Approx 2 Hours
Tools: Sketchbook Pro 6 - Wacom Intous 4 Med

Friday, November 2, 2012

D03 - Blog Revamp

While I know its not a "sketch", I did do a few iterations of how the blog works and is laid out.  It had been awhile since it saw a serious face lift so I wanted to give it a proper update.

Here are a few of the other version I tried out:

Tomorrow we start with the sketches again!